Seasonal request

Well the seasons just seem to come and go so fast dont they, and summer is nearly over and what a lovely summer we had! the weather is cooling down now and its nearly Autumn

Seasonal Request

The summers nearly over

the hot sun shines no more

pretty flowers wilting

by my open door

Autumn is rearing its cooler head

the evenings draw in closer

the leaves are tweaking

ready to fall

it is that time of year

so put your summer sandals away

your sunhat on the shelf

get ready to put that coat on

warm boots too

I am of the view

that the leaves with lovely colours

all gold and yellow hues

will be here so shortly

the conkers will too be ready soon

so come and have a fight

the acorns will be falling

is there a Piglet in sight!

Animals will soon be snuggling

in their warm retreats

to hibernate for winter

oh what a feat

the seasons just come and go

do we barely know they are here

when again the weather changes

and we go “oh dear!”

where did the summer go

I hardly saw the sun

I was busy working

whilst others just had fun!

So cherish each day if not the season

there is a reason

this World is forever turning

and we are always yearning

for what next is to come

but dont be glum

enjoy each day as it comes

be good and kind and true

And always I say always!

no what the weather

what ever!

treat others as you would like them to treat you!

Art work by me,

Pastel sunset and water colour on paper

Author: Rosy

I became interested in poetry write about things from my heart that are associated with events in my life or events going on in the World at large or closer to home. I was a visual artist and having exhibited some of my work also now as a viduskly impaired artist . I have lost most of my eyesight in recent years to advanced glaucoma and my vision is now very limited I am finding my creativity now evolving in writing poetry and hope to publish my own book of verse in the future. I had a blog page on Wordpress where I shared my poetry, art, photography, thoughts and favourite quotes and prayers and I have self published a some of my poems through a book called Rosy’s little book of prose for sale on Amazon

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